Knowing active words to use in resume will spice up your CV and get you a higher chance of getting an interview with the hiring manager.
Let's start with statistics.
For each job position, a recruiter receives an average of 250 resumes. Consequently, the recruiter only spends an average of 5-20 seconds looking at one CV.
You need to grab the recruiter's attention within those first seconds, or you'd be out of the picture.
The first impression is essential.
There are several ways that you can do to stand out from the other candidates and land your dream job. One of them is by using active words.
We are going to look at some examples of active words to use in your resume and how they can help you.

What are Active Words?
Related to your resume or CV, active words are words that describe what you have done or are doing. They are typically action words or verbs.
But why active words? There is some evidence to suggest that people generally prefer active verbs to passive verbs, especially in written communication. Active verbs convey a sense of directness and clarity, and they can help to make sentences more concise and engaging. Passive verbs, on the other hand, can make sentences longer and less direct, which can make them less appealing to readers.
For example, a study by Jennifer Lombardo - a professor of marketing at Rowan University - published in the states that Impactful writing in business usually consists of action verbs. Other research has also suggested that active verbs can make written communication more reader-friendly and easier to understand.
With most resumes, the recruiters are more likely to have read similar things over and over. They will skim reading the hundreds of resumes they receive every day. So they will be more attracted to something different, something that is attention-grabbing. That's where active words come in.
Your resume you should add active words to give clarity and a detailed job description in order to make a strong resume.

How Can Active Words Help You?
Using active words or verbs like "coordinated" or "managed" in your resume shows the readers (the recruiters) that you're not only "responsible for your job", but you also achieved something or showing accomplishment in the process or in the past job. So, action verbs help you to spice up your resume.
You can also communicate that you are a motivated and driven individual. You'll also be able to show that you are proactive and have the initiative in the past job. A study by Finances Online even mentioned that using action verbs for a resume can increase your chances of getting an interview by 140%.
Instead of using repetitive words in your resume or making long sentences that won't capture attention or interest, make shorter sentences with action verbs. Because they have more impact and are a persuasive language tool that allows you to be concise.
Action verbs also make for easy skim-reading. Most recruiters won't spend much time on each resume. And if your resume is filled with active words, the recruiter will find what they're looking for more effective and will prompt them to spend more time reading through your skills and past job description.

What Should You Include As Active Words In Your Resume?
Because active words represent an action, they'll help the hiring manager to picture you in the role. You can use them to further describe your soft skills, analytical skills, and other relevant skills.
If you use strong action verbs, it will help the hiring manager to visualize you doing the job duties you're applying for. In other words, you give them a concept of how you'll be doing on the job. And of course, to be able to do this, you need to choose the right words. For example, if you've had many achievements during your past work, you can use the action verb, "achieved".
Sometimes in your resume, you put a lot of repetitive words such as "also" or "in addition". If you use action verbs to show your achievements and responsibility in past jobs, you will give your resume a greater flow. One of the goals of using action verbs in your resume is to make your employer read and understand every bullet point you place. It also has the power that other words don't. A resume with action verbs stands out from the other applicants.
Using the right action verbs on your resume effectively to accurately showcase your abilities, skills, and achievements. They will also help steal your future employers' eyes from other job seekers.
Some examples of active words that you may want to include in your resume are “managed,” “developed,” and “created.”

Examples of Action Verbs and Power Words to Use
For management and leadership
1. Advised
2. Advocated
3. Clarified
4. Corresponded
5. Defined
6. Gathered
7. Ignited
8. Informed
9. Interpreted
10. Persuaded
11. Publicized
Example: Gathered external data for the project-planning personnel and advised on implementing capital projects.
For staff and part of a team
12. Aided
13. Enabled
14. Encouraged
15. Facilitated
16. Fostered
17. Inspired
18. Supported
19. Collaborated
For supervisors
20. Guided
21. Evaluated
22. Instructed
23. Mentored
24. Motivated
25. Regulated
26. Taught
Ex: Mentored 20 startup founders in the last 5 years.
For achievements
27. Achieved
28. Attained
29. Strengthened
30. Initiated
31. Coordinated
32. Developed
33. Managed
34. Orchestrated
Ex: Coordinated data integrity within the company’s applicant tracking system. Strengthened the sales and service culture through coaching and guidance.
For having different approaches when solving problems
Use resume action words like:
35. Implemented
36. Recommended
37. Overhauled
38. Improved
39. Streamlined
40. Prioritized
Ex: Improved networking equipment and overall computer network.
For innovating or launching something new
Use powerful resume verbs like the following:
41. Conceptualized
42. Designed
43. Devised
44. Determined
45. Drafted
46. Formulated
47. Introduced
48. Initiated
49. Launched
50. Originated
51. Spearheaded
Ex: Designed a new feature on a mobile equation-solving app.
For establishing an idea
Use action verbs for resume like these words:
52. Adapted
53. Applied
54. Built
55. Condensed
56. Customized
57. Fashioned
58. Integrated
59. Modified
60. Patched
61. Piloted
62. Shaped
63. Revitalized
For working with data and numbers
Use resume power words like these:
64. Audited
65. Budgeted
66. Calculated
67. Converted
68. Crafted
69. Documented
70. Estimated
71. Inventoried
72. Programmed
73. Projected
74. Recorded
75. Verified
For correcting mistakes and errors
Use resume power words like
76. Debugged
77. Diagnosed
78. Established
79. Fixed
80. Rectified
81. Lessened
82. Reconciled
83. Remodeled
84. Rebuilt
85. Upgraded
86. Corrected
Ex: Upgraded internal operating system, reducing company cost by 18%
Verbs instead of "responsible for"
87. Accomplished
88. Acquired
89. Achieved
90. Acted As
91. Completed
92. Created
93. Executed
94. Finished
95. Forged
96. Made
97. Navigated
98. Negotiated
99. Operated
100. Partnered
101. Performed
102. Prepared
103. Produced
104. Secured
105. Succeeded In
106. Undertook
Ex: Navigated three simultaneous inter-department projects without exceeding the assigned budget.
For replacing "worked on" and the synonyms
Use the following action verbs:
107. Arranged
108. Compiled
109. Composed
110. Constructed
111. Created
112. Developed
113. Engaged In
114. Fashioned
115. Forged
116. Formulated
117. Made
118. Made Progress On
119. Operated
120. Organized
121. Perfected
122. Prepared
123. Pursued
124. Put Together
125. Set-Up
Ex: Created over 30 professional logos for companies in multiple industries with various sizes.
Instead of overusing the word "utilize" or "use"
Optimize your resume with these words:
126. Apply
127. Adopt
128. Deploy
129. Employ
130. Exert
131. Handle
132. Mobilize
133. Operate
134. Promote
135. Profit by
136. Put to Use
137. Restore
138. Revive
139. Resort to
140. Specialize in

Be "Active" In Your Job Search to Show Value
Choosing the active voice instead of the passive voice in your resume can make a significant difference in how well your application is received by potential employers and applicant tracking systems. By choosing the most active and relevant keywords for your industry and job goals, you can show employers that you are a motivated and driven individual looking to take action and achieve results.
You can increase your chances of getting noticed, landing job interviews, and ultimately grabbing the job you want.
Review your current resume. Remember to incorporate action verbs naturally and avoid keyword stuffing, as this can hurt rather than help your chances. With a little research and careful consideration, you can effectively use action words to grab the attention of recruiters and take the next step in your career.